Side Quest
An animated fantasy series for grown ups. David Skaufjord has made a pilot with Qvisten Animation and it looks sooo goooood! We can’t reveal any visuals yet (explains the VERY COOL top secret picture) but this is one of the most fun jobs I’ve done in a while; giving voice to the main character Vigdus. A quick description of the starting point and characters:
In the fantasy realm of Midgard, Vigdus quits her day-job and decides to go questing to live out her lifelong dream of adventure, and to defy her parents. There’s only one problem: Midgard women are not allowed to go questing alone. By law, she needs at least three male companions. The misfits she finds at the local tavern will have to do, for now: Snorre the pacifist bard, Torkel the chubby crusader, and Owl the alcoholic alchemist. Thus, an unlikely quartet is formed, with a common goal of fame and fortune. But after all the good missions have been snatched by more experienced questers, our gang must settle for the low hanging fruit...
VIGDUS: She’s on the wrong side of 30: no longer a young, fair maiden with hopes of being rescued by prince Charming. Instead, she is driven by her genuine passion for questing and to make a name for herself. An organizer type, and a real go-getter, but struggles with being realistic.